Listen to the "Good" Feedback at Work

Life is a process of highs, lows and everything in between. Wherever you are and whoever you lot are, negative situations tin evidence to be a claiming—fifty-fifty to the strongest optimist. Here are five tips you can utilize to stay positive in negative situations and find the argent lining in each experience.

ane. Shift your mindset

Although it might non experience similar information technology at the fourth dimension, most negative situations contain a learning experience. If we're going through the discomfort and pain of dealing with a negative situation, nosotros might besides accept the opportunity to learn something from information technology too.

Shifting your mindset and looking for the lesson in the state of affairs isn't about blaming yourself or anyone else for what's happened. Instead, the purpose of doing this is to get something positive out of the situation and, hopefully, to prevent information technology from occurring again in the future.

ii. Get back up

You don't accept to bargain with a negative situation on your own.

Getting support from friends or family unit you tin can trust can non but help you get through this tough time, but it can also strengthen your relationships with the people around you.

three. Focus on what y'all tin control (and let get of what y'all can't)

We can't e'er control the situation that we observe ourselves in, and we can't please everyone. What we tin practice when we find ourselves in a negative situation is to accept ownership of our deportment and make amends for our mistakes.

If you find yourself in a negative state of affairs, trying to take responsibility for things you have no control over volition simply make you lot feel worse. It's also cocky-defeating as, if you don't have control over something then there's usually non much you lot can do to change it.

For example, if you're communicable a flight to an of import event and the flight is delayed, in that location's not much signal in worrying nearly whether it'south going to be delayed farther or cancelled, as you lot don't have whatsoever control over that issue. What you tin can do is let any contacts you have at your destination know about the state of affairs or even endeavor to book a different flight to make sure you go there as soon equally possible.

4. Practice self-compassion

Every negative state of affairs is a adventure to practice a valuable skill: self-compassion. The amount of cocky-pity nosotros show ourselves is directly proportionate to our quality of life. If we're able to practice self-compassion, we're more likely to be resilient in the face of challenging situations and we're more probable to accept risks that further our personal and professional development. We're too more probable to have steps to amend whatever role that nosotros played in creating the negative state of affairs in the first place.

Cocky-compassion is non the same equally giving yourself a free ride or non taking responsibility for your deportment. Instead, it'southward nigh accepting that you are a man being with human experiences.

5. Remember it volition pass

As I mention above, life is a procedure of highs, lows, and everything in betwixt. Just every bit this ways that negative situations are an inevitability, it also means that they will inevitably pass and make way for more positive times.

Our job is to have what nosotros tin can from the negative situations, whether it's a lesson well learned, or a renewed trust in our forcefulness and resilience, and to enjoy the good times while they terminal.

Finally, remember that negative situations are uncomfortable, even painful at times. Simply how we approach these situations has a huge influence over how we experience them. By implementing these v tips: looking for the lessons, getting support, focusing on what nosotros can control, practicing self-compassion, and remembering that the situation will pass, we'll be in a much ameliorate place to handle negative situations as they occur and carry on along the roller coaster.

What are your tips for dealing with negative situations? Leave a comment and let u.s. know.


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