What Happens to Atoms When Stimulated by Heat or Electricity

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Free energy and Electrons

When an electron is hit past a photon of calorie-free, it absorbs the quanta of energy the photon was conveying and moves to a higher energy state.

1 way of thinking about this higher energy state is to imagine that the electron is at present moving faster, (information technology has merely been "hitting" by a rapidly moving photon). But if the velocity of the electron is at present greater, it'due south wavelength must also accept inverse, and so it tin no long stay in the original orbital where the original wavelength was perfect for that orbital-shape.

So the electron moves to a different orbital where once once more its own wavelength is in phase with its self.

Electrons therefore have to jump around within the atom equally they either gain or lose energy. This belongings of electrons, and the energy they absorb or give off, can be put to an every day use.

Almost any electronic device you purchase these days comes with one or more Calorie-free Emitting Diodes (normally chosen "LEDs"). These are tiny bubbles of epoxy or plastic with 2 wire connectors. When electricity is passed through the diode it glows with a characteristic color telling you that the device is working, switched on and ready to do it'due south work.

Deep in the semiconductor materials of the LED are "impurities", materials such equally aluminum, gallium, indium and phosphide. When properly stimulated, electrons in these materials move from a lower level of energy upwards to a higher level of energy and occupy a different orbital.

Then, at some point, these higher energy electrons give up their "extra" energy in the class of a photon of low-cal, and autumn back down to their original free energy level. The light that has suddenly been produced rushes away from the electron, atom and the LED to color our world.

Typically, the light produced by a LED is only one colour (red or greenish beingness potent favorites). Although they are cheap, easy to make, don't price a lot to run, LEDs are not usually used to light a room, because they cannot normally produce the broad range of different colors needed in "white" light.

This is considering of the breakthrough nature of the atoms beingness used in the LED and the quantum energies of the electrons within them.

When an excited electron inside a LED gives up energy it must practice so in those lumps called quanta. These are fixed packets of energy that cannot be changed or used in fractions; they must always be transferred in whole amounts.

Thus, an excited electron has no option but to give off either 1 quanta or 2 quanta of energy, it cannot give up 1.five quanta, or two.3 quanta. Also, the electron tin can only move to very limited orbitals inside the atom; information technology must cease up in an orbital where the wavelength is now uses is "in phase" with itself. These two restrictions limit the quality of the quanta of energy existence released by the electron, and thus the nature of the photon of low-cal that rushes abroad from the LED.

Since the energy given off is strongly restricted to quanta, and quanta that allow the electron to move to a suitable place within the atom, the photons of calorie-free are similarly restricted to a tiny range of values of wavelength and frequency (a property we see as "color").

Many LEDs have electrons that tin only give up quanta of free energy that, when converted into photons, produce light with a wavelength of about 700 nm - which we and then run across equally red light. These electrons are then restricted in the quanta they tin emit that they never shine blue light, or dark-green lite, or yellow light, but reddish light.

Lines in Spectra

Long, long before their were LEDs in our lives, scientists trying to sympathize electrons in atoms noted a similar miracle when light was either shone on sure materials or given off by certain materials.

In 1859 the German physicist Gustav Robert Kirchoff, and his older friend Robert Wilhelm Bunsen came up with a clever idea. They used Bunsen'southward burner to strongly heat tiny pieces of various materials and minerals until they were so hot that they glowed and gave off calorie-free.

Sodium, for case, when heated to incandescence, produced a stiff yellow light, but no blue, green or blood-red. Potassium glowed with a dim sort of violet lite, and mercury with a horrible green light just no crimson or yellow.

When Kirchoff passed the emitted light through a prism it separated out into its various wavelengths (the same mode a rainbow effect is produced when white light is used), and he got a shock. He could only see a few thin lines of light in very specific places and ofttimes spread far apart.

Conspicuously glowing sodium was not producing anywhere nigh all the different wavelengths of white light, in fact it was but producing a very characteristic band of light in the yellow region of the spectrum - just like a LED!

Kirchoff and Bunsen advisedly measured the number and position of all the spectral lines they saw given off by a whole range of materials. These were called emission spectra , and when they had nerveless enough of them it was clear that each substance produced a very feature line spectrum that was unique. No ii substances produced exactly the aforementioned series of lines, and if ii unlike materials were combined they collectively gave off all the lines produced by both substances.

This, idea Kirchoff and Bunsen, would exist a good style of identifying substances in mixtures or in materials that needed to be analyzed. So they did. In 1859 they plant a spectrum of lines that they had never seen before, and which did not correspond to whatsoever known substance, so, quite rightly, they deduced that they had plant a new element, which they called cesium from the Latin word meaning "sky blueish". (Guess in what office of the spectrum they found the lines!).

Quantum Numbers
Levels of Energy

All the inquiry on diminutive structure and the hideously hard-to-sympathise properties of electrons come up together in the topic of "electron energy".

An cantlet such as lithium has three electrons in various orbitals surrounding the atomic center. These electrons tin can be bombarded with energy and if they absorb enough of the quanta of energy being transferred they jump nigh and in the most farthermost example, leave the lithium atom completely. This is called ionization .

The amount of free energy needed to remove the first electron from a lithium is 124 kilocalories/mole, an amount of energy that is non difficult to supply, so lithium atoms ionize easily.

However, it takes virtually 1740 kilocalories/mole of free energy to dislodge the second electron from around the lithium ion (information technology is now an "ion" because information technology has already lost one electron). Information technology takes a massive 2820 kilocalories/mole to dislodge the third and final electron from effectually the lithium ion.

Partly this difference in the amount of energy needed to dislodge different electrons away from the lithium atomic center is due to the fact that the heart of the lithium atom is carrying the positive charges of three protons. Moving a negatively charged electron away from a positively charged atomic middle needs more and more energy every bit the amount of united nations-neutralized charge increases, thus;

Li --> Li+ + east-

Li+ --> Li++ + east-

Li++ --> Li+++ + eastward-

Yet, the amount of energy needed to remove the first electron is a good measure of what information technology takes to stimulate an electron to go out its atom, and how tightly it is held there in the first identify.

Within the atom, equally Bohr pointed out, in that location are different possible positions for electrons to be plant every bit defined past the principal quantum number , ordinarily written as " north ".

Bohr defined the energy of electrons located at these different locations of quantum state by the formula:

En = - Eo/n2

In this formula Eo is a whole collection of physical constants, which for an atom such every bit hydrogen has a value of 313 kilocalories/mole. Using this formula information technology is possible to calculate how much energy an electron has at each of the other, dissimilar, quantum states (northward = ii, north = iii, n = 4, etc.). This is usually presented in the class of a diagram (see left).

For an electron at the ground state (n = 1) to be moved up to the next level (n = 2) it must blot a quantum of free energy that is the perfect amount to make this movement. If the breakthrough is too small-scale the electron could non reach the next level, and then it doesn't attempt. If the quantum is as well large the electrons would overshoot the side by side level, so again, it does not try. Only quanta of exactly the right size will be absorbed and used.

Similarly, if an electron is already at the second level (due north = 2), and there is a space for the electron at the lower level (n = 1), information technology tin release a quantum of free energy and drop down to the lower level. But the amount of energy given off volition be a whole number breakthrough. If this energy is given off as light (such as happens with emission spectra) then the photons rushing away from the falling electron will be of only i size and quality (color). Hence glowing sodium, or LEDs, merely give off very detached bands of lite with distinct colors or bands within their spectrum.

All this implies that if white light (with all the possible wavelengths, colors and possible quanta of energy) is shone on certain materials or substances just certain wavelengths (and their quanta of energy) will be absorbed by the electrons in that substance. But a narrow band of low-cal will have simply the correct quanta to move an electron to the adjacent level, or the level above that, and and then on.

That wavelength volition be taken out of the spectrum of calorie-free and exit a dark band of no-light backside. Absorption spectroscopy, therefore, is the equal and opposite of emission spectroscopy. However, in both kinds, information technology is the absorption of quanta to move electrons, or the emission of quanta to motion electrons around in the atom that is the reason why only certain wavelengths of low-cal are affected.

The Quantum Atom -
- a Summary

Although Bohr'due south original picture of a quantum cantlet has been modified in the years since he beginning proposed the concept, never the less, the main principles still stand:

  1. Electrons are to exist constitute occupying sure volumes of space around an diminutive eye ("nucleus") - these volumes of space are chosen orbitals

  2. An electron in an orbital has a defined wavelength. The actual wavelength can be determined using the de Broglie formula "wavelength = Plank constant / momentum.

  3. The shape and location of the orbital is determined by the fact that the only stable shapes and locations are those where the electrons (acting as waves) can accept a number of waves that are whole numbers (technically these are called " standing waves "). Standing-moving ridge orbitals are the only ones in which the occupying electrons do non either radiate energy, or plummet.

  4. The energy carried past electrons has to be a whole number of quanta of energy equally given by the formula Eastwardn = - Eo/n2

    where "due north" is the principal breakthrough number. The free energy of an electron, and the cantlet that carries information technology, is therefore restricted, or quantized, to a limited number of values.

© 2003, Professor John Blamire


Source: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/ahp/LAD/C3/C3_elecEnergy.html

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